LEWW’s mission is to educate, train, mentor and empower women to achieve safe, healthy, and fulfilling lives in their community, for themselves and their children through the love of Jesus Christ.
LEWW’s vision is to create a global community where women leaders and aspiring leaders connect, develop, collaborate and thrive to achieve their leadership potential.
LEWW believes that every young girl and woman deserve to fulfill their God-giving purpose on earth.

Pastor Mercy Djenebou Bouare is a remarkably driven visionary who bridges worlds as a philanthropist, an international development humanitarian, and a human resource professional. She has extensive experience working with NGOs, corporations, U.S.-based Universities of higher education, World Bank, UNICEF, GTZ and USAID funded projects in the United States and around the globe. She has over twenty years of experience in program management, operations, public-private partnerships, workforce management, marketing, performance measurement, budget management, policy and compliance.
With an extensive multicultural experience living and/or working in 23 countries, Pastor Mercy speaks 9 languages and describes herself as a world citizen for Jesus. She holds a Master’s degree in Public Policy and International Commerce from George Mason University in Virginia (USA). She is a Certified Human Resources Professional (SHRM-CP) and an Image Consultant.
Over the past 30 years, she mentored, trained, and sponsored thousands of young girls and vulnerable women across the globe. In 2000, she founded LeadershipExcellenceforWomenbyWomen (LEWW), a U.S. 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Dallas, Texas. During the COVID shutdown, Pastor Mercy was inspired to reach out to many throughout the world by sharing her life journey, experiences, and skills through the transformative power of the diverse programs that LEWW offers.
Founder/President LeadershipExcellenceforWomenbyWomen (LEWW)
Alongside the non-profit, Pasteur Mercy is also an International HR Consultant. Her consulting services offer companies, individuals and the diaspora her unique touch inspired by more than 20 years of Anglo-Saxon management experience centered on cooperation and consultation so that everyone can improve; combined with 9 years of experience of the French culture of emotional management facilitating creativity to get off the beaten track more easily. Since 2000, Pastor Mercy has developed a bilingual French and English coaching series delivered online on HR topics to help women become more competitive in today's marketplace.
She specializes in the following areas:
• Accompaniment of companies in the formulation of practical strategies and initiatives to improve the functioning of HR services in the face of an increase in the number of personnel.
• Evaluation of existing performance management tools to highlight their weaknesses and propose the tools best suited to the needs of the organization.
• Recommendation/orientation of companies or individuals to training for skills building in one of the HR areas according to the needs of each profile.
Pastor Mercy currently works as Workforce Manager at the University of Texas Arlington (UTA) since 2021. She manages all human resource functions for over 120 employees at the Center for Environmental Excellence (CEE).
From 2020 to 2022, Pastor Mercy served as Member of UTA Presidential Advisory Committee on Diversity and Inclusion (CoDEI). As the primary policy advisor, on issues of diversity, racial equality, and inclusion at UTA, she advised the President, UTA leadership, and relevant organizations. In this role, she recommended strategies, policies, and practices for new, revised, and modified initiatives to the UTA President. Pastor Mercy also co-chaired UTA Diversity Programming Subcommittee from 2020 until 2021. In this capacity, she identified and supported programming for students, staff, and faculty that supports an inclusive multicultural learning and working environment.
Prior to that, from 2016 through 2021, Pastor Mercy served as Coordinator III, Special Programs for UTA Division for Enterprise Development (DED. She managed all divisional operations, including staffing and recruitment, talent and performance management, and division strategy and implementation. She was an expert resource for the department and central HR recruitment and portfolio/project resourcing.
From 2013 until 2020, Pastor Mercy served as Director of operations for The Gospel Royal Temple Int’l, a faith-based church. She managed all operations, budget, and communication function of the church.
Before moving to Texas, Pastor Mercy worked 2014-2015 as Administrator for Arts for the Aging (AFTA), a Washington D.C. non-profit with a mission to engage older adults and care partners in health improvement and life enhancement through adult education.
2008 to 2011, Pastor Mercy worked for FHI360, formerly the Academy for Educational Development (AED), a Washington D.C. based international organization that focused on education, health, and economic development for the least advantaged in the U.S. and 160 countries. Pastor Mercy served as Chair and Advisor for AED Workplace AIDS Committee (AWAC) from 2009 to 2011. In that capacity, she sought funding and collaborative partnership with international and domestic health care organizations, AED Senior Management, and over 3000 staffs worldwide. Pastor Mercy developed and managed over 30 team members to increase major gifts donor pools and implement development outreach activities. Within five months, she solely raised over $30,000 in financial and material donations for local and international HIV/AIDS organizations. She was AED 2010 Leadership Awards’ winner and was credited with increasing AED visibility by securing recognition in local newspapers.
From 2010 to 2011, she was a Communication and Program Liaison at the Global Health, Population and Nutrition unit at AED. She liaised with the Global Partnership Coordinator for updates, reports with UNICEF, World Bank, USAID, Save the Children, and Water Advocates. She wrote and disseminated material on the Global Public-Private Partnership for Handwashing (PPPHW) to over 280 oversea participants from 78 countries.
Pastor Mercy also served as Public-Private Partnership Liaison for USAID Senegal Education de Base project, Dakar, Senegal from 2008 until 2010. She managed an $8 million Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) procurement involving over 30 domestic, Senegalese, and multinational service providers. She also led an effort to develop global partners for Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Initiative for Information Communication Technologies (ICT) in education in Senegal, which provided Senegalese middle schools with access to ICT to improve teaching and learning.
In 2009, she was nominated Monitoring and Evaluation Fellow for UTA STAR Program, USAID Macedonia Primary Education Project (PEP), Skopje, Macedonia. Selected among 20 staff to travel in 8 regions of Macedonia, she monitored, evaluated, and accessed the scalability of the project.
2008 -2010, Pastor Mercy served as Senior Operations Associate for USAID/US Technical Training Institute (USTTI) e-Government Project at AED. She managed project activities in 19 countries with ongoing records and success rates of all activities, to develop a document of best practices and potential materials for future marketing material. Designed and disseminated the pre-seminar survey to over 35 international participants.
Pastor Mercy worked as Advertising Manager for the National Association for Convenience & Petroleum Retailing (NACS), Alexandria, Virginia from 2006- 2007.
Prior to moving to the U.S. in 2002, Pastor Mercy held diverse roles in Mali, her native country and in various African countries. She was also engaged with some famous global organizations Junior Chamber International (JCI) where she held multiple leadership positions.
Pastor Mercy is an ordained Pastor, married and mother of a miracle little boy, Israel. She lives in Dallas, Texas.
LEWW’s mission is to educate, train, mentor and empower women to achieve safe, healthy, and fulfilling lives in their community, for themselves and their children, through the love of Jesus Christ. Our vision is to create a global community where women leaders and aspiring leaders connect, develop, collaborate, and thrive to achieve their leadership potential.
LEWW's three mission-based programs goals, objectives & strategies.
-Diaspora, minority women and young girls program encompasses activities like working sessions with diaspora religious and community leaders; working sessions with U.S. political leaders on how the diaspora could become an efficient catalyst of change in the American society; and LEWW Talk Show.
With an array of notable guests, our lively English and French virtual TV LEWW Talk Show offers a fresh perspective on issues ranging from domestic violence and preventing bullying among children, health and nutrition, divorce and alternative lifestyles, immigration issues, to strategies on buying a house in the U.S.
- Focus talents program provides interaction and support by gathering potential women leaders in a supportive, encouraging environment. Since 2000, Pastor Mercy developed a series of bi-lingual French/English online broadcast interviews on HR topics to help women to become more competitive in today’s marketplace.
- Minority gender-based programs:
Our incarcerated minority women and young girls outreach project aims to provide comprehensive, integrated services to empower women emerging from incarceration to achieve safe, healthy, and fulfilling lives in the community, for themselves and their children.
Project hope for minority women and girls subjected to sexual exploitation by violent human traffickers.
Board and Advisory Members
Pastor Mercy Djenebou Bouare, M.A., SHRM-CP
President LEWW & Founder, International Development Professional,
Certified HR Professional United States / Mali
Barbara Bates
Retired, US Department of Housing and Urban Development United States
Ami Bana Cisse
Attorney, Germany / Mali
Dr. Anouchka Ondias-Kouame, Pharm-D
PRESIDENT Nature Ellie United States/ Gabon/ Ivory Coast
Abdoul Salam Maiga, MBA
Writer, United States / Mali
Cherif Haidara
Head of African Cultural & Political Programs Chicago Access Network TV
United States/ Mauritania/ Ivory Coast/ Mali
Dr. Haoua Diallo, MBChB
Germany/ South Africa
Dr. Marceline Gbla
Marriage Councelor
United States/ Ivory Coast